Anonymous LLC
New Mexico is the best state in which to form a limited liability company if it is your goal to remain invisible. The only information required for the Articles of Organization are:
- The name of the company.
- The address of the principal office.
- The duration of the LLC.
A New Mexico LLC does not need not include the names of the members. The mailing address of the principal office can be anywhere in the world, even in Puerto Rico. Its recommended to use a UPS box. New Mexico unlike most other states does not require annual reports for LLC’s. This means that changes in membership and/or location take place in total darkness. On top of that there are no annual fees! Compare with California's annual $800 minimum franchise tax and a New Mexico LLC is a deal of a lifetime with privacy included!
What is a Resident Agent and why do you provide me one?
Limited liability companies in all states are require to have a resident agent in that state to receive official communications and process them promptly to the owner or manager of the company. Don’t worry, we have you covered. 1 year of Registered Agent service is included in your New Mexico LLC Package.
What are some common uses for a New Mexico LLC for privacy?
Most commonly New Mexico LLC’s are used to hold title to vehicles and real estate that are owned outright, as well as to contract or rent mail boxes or safe deposit boxes or services that you want done through the LLC so they don’t have your personal name attached.